
I returned Sunday from a wonderful long weekend in Rhode Island with my wonderful friend Jenna Arruda who was a roommate of mine at Cal Poly in SLO.   I will post more about that trip later as I have been sick since my return and just have a couple of photos I wanted to share.  Clay is out in Illinois doing bat surveys.  I never know how long he is going to be gone for, because if they happen to catch an Indiana Bat they have to radio tag it and follow it to its roost due to it being an endangered species.  Monday night was their first night out and of course they caught several.  So now their return has been pushed back from this Saturday to next Thursday....that is of course assuming they don't catch any more before they finish the rest of the survey.

While I was gone Clay worked more on the bathroom floor...

And last week I made a yummy pizza with veggies from the garden (red onion, broccoli, zucchini)

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